1·In short, you need to learn how to make a woman feel ATTRACTION for you when you first meet her.
2·On the other hand, no amount of gifts, favors, dinners, kindness, or a good family will make her feel ATTRACTION… at best these things can only make her feel a more "loyal" kind of love.
3·This vibrational spending process will cause you to feel differently about money, and when that happens, your point of attraction will shift, and more money must flow into your experience.
4·Attraction is an emotional and physical RESPONSE... and you can't "convince" a woman to feel it with logic, gifts, and NICENESS.
5·She started to feel an attraction towards Bruce and assured him that he would have her assist, and that she wanted to associate with him personally.
6·FACT: When used in combination, those things KILL the attraction that women feel for you.
7·I don't know what the problem is. I just feel no attraction to my boyfriend anymore.
8·Do you feel any attraction for this picture?
9·I just feel no attraction to my boyfriend anymore.
10·Confidence is necessary ingredient to creating attraction. If you feel like you lack this characteristic when talking to women, then I recommend you work on the eye contact you give.